What Is MOXI?

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When you want the best, choose the Moxi™ by Sciton! Youthful Infusion Med Spa offers MOXI skin laser treatments in Allen, TX, and surrounding areas. We’re here to tell you all about this revolutionary skin treatment. Contact us today for a consultation!

What is MOXI?

You can’t find the Moxi™ by Sciton just anywhere. It’s a gentle laser that is making its mark in the beauty world. It’s one of the best ways to target pigment problems. It has a tiny tip that creates extremely small micro-injuries. Your collagen production is boosted, while you get rid of uneven pigmentation, aging problems, uneven skin tone, aging, sun spots, and more.

MOXI for All Skin Tones

Most lasers are excellent for lighter skin tones, but the Moxi™ by Sciton takes it up a notch. It is perfect to treat melasma and other skin pigmentation issues. It’s safe and effective for all skin types and skin tones. It doesn’t have the usual high amount of heat levels that can trigger hyperpigmentation issues.

MOXI’s Short Recovery Time

You don’t need to sit out for long after a Moxiâ„¢ by Sciton treatment. It’s a non-ablative, fractionated laser that doesn’t require a long recovery time. You’ll get back into your daily lifestyle quickly. You may have a bit of redness and swelling that subsides shortly after treatment.

Eliminate Pigmentation Issues With MOXI

We love the Moxi™ by Sciton because it helps eliminate multiple aging and skin pigment problems. You can use it to target freckles, sun spots, hyperpigmentation, and more. If you’re worried about spots on your skin, we’ll help determine if MOXI is the perfect solution. We’ve seen significant improvements in patients’ skin using MOXI treatments.

Prejuvenation Benefits of MOXI

Most of our patients use the Moxi™ by Sciton for existing skin conditions, but it can also be used as a prejuvenation tool. We can use it to help prevent future skin issues. It’s gentle on the skin, so it can be used to prevent wrinkles and fine lines from forming by keeping your collagen strong.

Contact Youthful Infusion Med Spa

Youthful Infusion Med Spa is always excited about innovative and new products that help you look and feel your best. We love the Moxi™ by Sciton skin treatments for all its benefits. We invite you to come visit us at the Watters Creek Village shopping center. Our med spa services patients in Allen, Murphy, Plano, Richardson, McKinney, and surrounding areas. Our expert laser technicians will sit down with you and create a customized anti-aging and skincare treatment plan for your needs. We always change our monthly specials. Contact us today for a consultation.

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